It’s time for Cahoots – get your tickets!
As spring creeps closer, we start to think about our favourite gathering in the year, the Cahoots festival, where we gather as a community of Jesus-focused seekers oriented towards justice with a ‘DIY’ methodology – creating an event that models a society of right relationships, practicing the skills and habits of Shalom/holistic peacemaking, and releasing participants to create change in our world.
This year, the 5th annual festival, we are taking a deep breath and embracing a retreat format. We’ll be having moderated conversations and main speakers to help make space for connection around important conversations about who we are and where we’re going.
Each year we’ve all worked hard and pitched in – from leading worship, washing dishes, arranging carpools and applying for grants – and now it’s time to consider – what is this festival we have created? What is God calling us together to do? What do we need to do the work with grace, joy, and sincerity?
Will you join us for this festival retreat? Register via our Google Forms.