Cahoots Transfigured!
Our best-laid plans for an in-person festival on the theme ‘2020 Vision’ at Pearce Williams Family Camp were sadly dashed. Instead, we had a one-day, online ‘Cahoots Transfigured‘ event – Zoom gatherings were cutting edge back then! Several presenters retooled their workshops for the online format, and we recorded them so you can enjoy them!
- Subversive Living – Fighting the Cis-Heteropatriarchy through Identities – with Steph Chandler-Burns
- Entitlement and Gratitude – with Lane Silas Patriquin
- Tools Beyond Rules (for Radicals) – Isaiah Ritzmann (no video available)
- Humans of Basic Income – with Jessie Golem

Cahoots Christmas Leftovers
Over the Christmas Season we gathered for Cahoots Christmas Leftovers – a festival for the left out, left over, left behind who are gathered by God – those who seek the stable, not the palace. An hour of silly and profound time on Dec 29, 2020 that we will remember for a long time.